Meet Aida Batlle of Finca Kilimanjaro

Aida Batlle consistently impresses us with her commitment to sustainable practices and quality. During harvest, she is very hands-on, participating in the harvesting and sorting process to ensure that only the ripest cherries make it through to the processing stage.

Finca Kilimanjaro is located high on the slopes of the Santa Ana volcano. The rich volcanic soil creates a ideal micro-climate, similar to the coffees grown on high slopes in Kenya. It is unlike any coffee produced in Central America, with a truly distinct flavor profile. Finca Kilimanjaro is planted with a combination of Kenyan and Bourbon varieties.

Aida Batlle at Finca Kilimanjaro drying bed

In 2003, Finca Kilimanjaro astounded the judges at the first El Salvador Cup of Excellence competition with its complex sweetness and exquisite aftertaste and mouthfeel. It is truly one of the most unique Salvadoran coffees available. Aida Batlle was new to the coffee world at that time, but has since become one of El Salvador’s most innovative coffee producers.

Finca Kilimanjaro’s quality is a testament to the hard work and attention to detail of Aida and her workers. On visits to the farm, it is clear that she is intimately involved in every aspect of coffee production. She is not one cut corners or to skimp on quality. She also recognizes that paying her workers a sustainable wage is imperative to producing quality coffee. In fact, she pays her workers almost twice the normal wage.

There are many coffees in the world, but few have earned the name recognition and reputation that Finca Kilimanjaro maintains world-wide.

Posted by Bird Rock Coffee Roasters on Mar 8th 2018