Kagumoini AA

Kagumoini AA


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SL-28 + Batian
  • Blood Orange
  • Black Currant
  • Muscovado Sugar

The Kagumoini coffee factory belongs to the Kamacharia Farmers Cooperative Society in Kamacharia location,Murang’a County. It maximizes their production by following trainings in Good Agricultural practices, with application of manure and inputs when required. The society is made up of smallholders growing mainly SL28, with a small amount of Batian and Ruiru 11 varieties.

After pulping, the coffee is fermented overnight to break down the sugars, .. Read More


The Kagumoini coffee factory belongs to the Kamacharia Farmers Cooperative Society in Kamacharia location,Murang’a County. It maximizes their production by following trainings in Good Agricultural practices, with application of manure and inputs when required. The society is made up of smallholders growing mainly SL28, with a small amount of Batian and Ruiru 11 varieties.

After pulping, the coffee is fermented overnight to break down the sugars, before traveling through channels to the soaking tank where the coffee is carefully cleaned, soaked and spread out on the raised drying tables.
Time on the drying tables depends on climate, ambient temperature and total production volume undergoing processing. Drying can take from 7 to 15 days in total. Continuous sorting and hand turning of the parchment takes place throughout the drying process.

From funds set aside from the previous year’s harvest, members of the cooperative can access pre-financing for school fees, access to farm inputs and funds for emergency needs. The factory is receiving assistance from a field partner; Coffee Management Services (CMS).
The long term goal is to increase coffee production through farmer training, ready access to inputs, Good Agricultural Practice seminars, and providing the most current printed materials on sustainable farming.